ISSSR 2023 Keynote Speech 3

Modeling and Analysis of Space Man-Machine System Safety


Safety is one of the important characteristics of manned systems. The safety of space human-machine systems faces multiple issues, including effective identification of influencing factors, accurate establishment of system safety models, and efficient simulation of system safety. This report investigates the solutions to the above-mentioned problems in space human-machine systems and provides typical examples.


Liming Ren avatar
Dr. Liming Ren China

Dean of China Astronautics Standards Institute

Dr. Liming Ren is a professor and the dean of China Astronautics Standards Institute. He obtained his doctoral degree from Northwestern Polytechnical University. For many years, he has been consistently engaged in aerospace reliability, maintainability, and safety assurance, developed multiple product assurance technologies such as Sneak Circuit Analysis (SCA) and Worst Case Analysis (WCA), and made significant contributions to the success of major aerospace projects.